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Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Finance for Dummies

In a small town somewhere in the USA the economic downturn showed it's
results. The town looked abandoned Everybody was dept ridden And they all
lived on credit. One day a rich tourist arrives. He goes to the local hotel.
The only one in town. Puts down $500 cash on the counter and goes to survey
the hotel to pick a room for himself. The hotel's owner grabs the money and
pays his debt to the butcher. The butcher pays the farmer for all the pork
he got on credit. The farmer uses the $500 to pay his debt to the animal
food supplier. The animal food supplier pays of his dept to the local
prostitute. The prostitute uses the money to pay her debt to the hotel owner
For all the use of rooms with her clients. Just as she leaves the tourist
returns to the reception, Takes back his money because he did not like any
of the rooms. He leaves town. Nobody gained or lost anything however the
little town is now free of debt. The debt crisis is over. Genial, isn´t it?

Now, where is economic recovery for you and me ?


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