The Premier Sports info pages of Trinidad and Tobago in the West Indies. This blog is linked to

Monday, March 30, 2020

Yoúr accoúnt has sígns of hackíng and blockíng. Please contact wíth Secúríty Department of

Dear andreebaptiste.toyotasports,

Í have very bad news for yoú.
07/01/2020 - on thís day í hacked yoúr OS and got fúll access to yoúr accoúnt

So, yoú can change the password, yes... Bút my malware íntercepts ít every tíme.

How í made ít:
Ín the software of the roúter, throúgh whích yoú went onlíne, was a vúlnerabílíty.
Í júst hacked thís roúter and placed my malícíoús code on ít.
When yoú went onlíne, my trojan was ínstalled on the OS of yoúr devíce.

After that, í made a fúll copy of yoúr dísk (í have all yoúr address book, hístory of víewíng sítes, all fíles, phone númbers and addresses of all yoúr contacts).

A month ago, í wanted to lock yoúr devíce and ask for a not bíg amoúnt of btc to únlock.
Bút í looked on the sítes that yoú regúlarly vísít, and í was shocked by what í saw!!!
Í'm talk yoú aboút sítes for adúlts.

Í want to say - yoú are a BíG pervert. Yoúr fantasy ís shífted far away from the normal coúrse!

And í got an ídea...
Í took a screenshot of an adúlt sítes where yoú had fún (yoú únderstand what í mean, ríght?).
After that, í took a screenshot of yoúr mastúrbatíon (úsíng the camera of yoúr devíce) and glúed them together.
Túrned oút amazíng! Yoú are so spectacúlar!

Í'm know that yoú woúld not líke to show these screenshots to yoúr fríends, relatíves or colleagúes.
Ít wíll be a húge shame for yoú!

Í thínk $1490(USD) ís a very, very small amoúnt for my sílence.
Besídes, í have been spyíng on yoú for so long, havíng spent a lot of tíme!

Pay ONLY ín Bítcoíns!
My BTc wallet: 1HBxxRcb38Q8xmfsGsJAqvgHi4GZBzwM6K

Yoú do not know how to úse bítcoíns?
Enter a qúery ín any search engíne: "how to replenísh btc wallet".
Ít's extremely easy!

Í wíll gíve yoú exactly two days (48 hoúrs) to make thís payment.
As soon as yoú open thís letter, the tímer wíll work and tíme wíll pass.

After payment, my vírús and dírty screenshots wíth yoúr mastúrbatíon wíll be self-destrúct aútomatícally.
Íf í do not receíve from yoú the specífíed amoúnt, then yoúr devíce wíll be locked, and all yoúr contacts wíll receíve a screenshots wíth yoúr "enjoy".

Í hope yoú únderstand yoúr sítúatíon.
- Do not try to fínd and destroy my vírús! (All yoúr data, fíles and screenshots ís already úploaded to a remote server);
- Do not try to contact me (thís ís ímpossíble, sender's address was randomly generated);
- Varíoús secúríty servíces wíll not help yoú; formattíng a dísk or destroyíng a devíce wíll not help, sínce yoúr data ís already on a remote server.

P.S. Yoú are not my síngle víctím. so, í gúarantee yoú that í wíll not dístúrb yoú agaín after payment!

Í also ask yoú to regúlarly úpdate yoúr antívírúses ín the fútúre. Thís way yoú wíll no longer fall ínto a símílar sítúatíon.

Do not hold evíl! í júst do my job.
Have a níce day!

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

The world is full of love, I want to be a part of it!


I am looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
I am a modern girl and I know that in 2020, i can find a decent man through the Internet.
I am purposeful, cheerful.

My heart want love.
If will you reply, I will gladly send you my photos and tell you even more regarding myself.

If you are interested, please write to my personal e-mail -


I am lonely and I crave love and passion.


I am looking for a serious, long-term relationship.
I am a modern girl and I know that in 2020, i can find a decent man through the Internet.
I am purposeful, cheerful.

My heart want love.
If will you reply, I will gladly send you my photos and tell you even more regarding myself.

If you are interested, please write to my personal e-mail -


Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Votre banderole vous attend

Vous avez des difficultés à visualiser ce message ? Consultez-le en ligne.

Offre valable jusqu'au 20 Avril


Banderole de 240x74 cm dès 32 EUR/HT
Pour usage intérieur et extérieur

Banderole économique laminée PVC souple 450 Gr
en impression qualité photo avec encre écologiques latex.
Oeillets tous les 50 cm et ourlet sur tout le pourtour inclus.

Banderole de 240x74 cm

1 Banderole achetée à seulement 39 EUR HT*
2 Banderoles achetées à seulement 34 EUR HT*
3 Banderoles achetées à seulement 32 EUR HT*

Tous nos services infographies sont OFFERTS
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer
* Emballage et transport non inclus

Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:

Facebook   Youtube

Utilisation : Extérieure et intérieure
Applications : événementiel, animation commerciale, décoration de façade, spectacle, manifestations sportives, expositions, décoration urbaine, concerts, manifestations culturelles, signalétique.

Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant.
Je ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner


Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Votre banderole imprimée en qualité photo

Si vous ne parvenez à visualiser ce message, cliquez ici .

Offre valable jusqu'au 15 Avril

Banderole Économique 450 GR

13.70 EUR HT LE M2

Emballage et transport non inclus, minimum 3 m2 facturé

Oeillets tous 50cm ou Fourreau = Cadeaux*
Ourlet tout le pourtour = Cadeaux*
Tous nos services infographies sont inclus
(Photo et texte fournis par le client)
SANS RISQUE = je ne paye que si j'approuve le bon à tirer

Regardez sur les réseaux sociaux les maquettes que nous créons pour nos clients:

Facebook   Youtube  

Ce message est destiné aux sociétés et aux professionnels.
Vous recevez ce mail d'information car vous êtes enregistré sur notre base.
Conformément à l'article de loi du 06/01/1978, vous disposez d'un droit d'accès, de rectification des données nominatives vous concernant, pour ne veux plus recevoir de mails d'informations de votre part :Se désabonner
