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Monday, September 18, 2006

Jack Warner, Dale Enoch, Tony Lee and Ken Gordon, similar or different?????

Everyone deserves a chance to defend themselves

It is unfair to convict someone of a crime, without allowing them a chance of an explanation.

That is a GOD given right and absolutely no one should deny them of that, not least the Trinidad media.

Austin “Jack” Warner’s investigation by FIFA was given prime positioning in the Trinidad Express and while that is appropriate.

What is not, is the abject rejection by that newspaper to fully publicize, Jack Warner‘s response. On the contrary, both the Trinidad Guardian and the Newsday Newspapers saw it fit to publish his two part defense.

Is this not a requirement of good journalism, that both sides are shown and given equal and fair treatment?

It begs the question, what is the motive of the Trinidad Express, led by EDITOR LARGE, Keith Smith and New Editor Alan Geere

This is a shame, that journalism can now be called selective, because many will perceive that one organization in the media is only interested in one sided information against Jack Warner and this must certainly tarnish their reputation.

It also leads to questions about the integrity of the media organizations in this country and the selective judgment by their editors.

But there is another twist; The Trinidad Express was the only newspapers to even lead with any mention of the President of the West Indies Cricket Board Ken Gordon’s response to Michael Holding’s resignation on Sunday.

Many could surmise that the reason, why the Trinidad Express gave this weak press conference such prominence, is that Ken Gordon was a former chairman of their parent company. Such an assumption would be disastrous for the reputation of any newspaper.

Whether or not, we believe in someone or like them to the position of worshipping their every word and action, because they gave us a start in our careers, we must not allow journalistic objectivity and professionalism to be destroyed.

However both the Newsday and the Trinidad Guardian should also have carried excerpts from Gordon’s talks on Saturday, whatever their opinion on its quality.

Jack Warner has every right to feel aggrieved at the action of the Express (even if they report the matter at a later date, by force) and some may even perceive this behaviour by this newspaper as part of a greater political plot.

But in all of this, we are all at fault, even this radio station i95.5fm, when Dale Enoch can read the news and only quote from Ken Gordon, without using quotes from Michael Holding, which are available . This may either be ineptitude or just laziness, or maybe even that Tony Lee is Ken Gordon’s close friend.

Whatever the reasoning , it is just a continuation of the mess in journalism in this country. And this from people who purport to know better.
The truth must set you free one day and no one man is an island.

There is refreshing news today , that a newly elected executive of the Media Association of Trinidad and Tobago was elected on Saturday , but if the status of the current out of age( out of time) members remains , then there will be no real change.

Remember though that Dale Enoch is head of the Caribbean jokey (sorry, journalists) in the region, and look how he treats –SPORTS-. Tony Lee is no better but maybe be worse, because he knows something of sport, unless he too has no working radio at home.

This is Andre Errol Baptiste, saying – Have no Fear, the Fearless one is here -


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