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Monday, August 28, 2006



Who knows?

Who cares?

And by the WAY, where does GREAT come from in this boat race.

The Oxford Dictionary defines “GREAT” as
- considerable in extent or time , important , pre –eminent; of great ability –

So where was this “greatness “perpetuated before and made into boating reality.

There are many who have said, the best boats in the country, do not even participate in this event, in fact these boats operate at night, under a cloud of suspicion and are too fast for anything the authorities have.

But that, like the gradual decline in popularity of this race, may only be a perception.

Anyway, if this race is to regain its status, then a lot of better marketing has to be done.

The Powerboat Association must accept a lot of the blame, they appear rudderless and without any proper planning and innovation.

In these technological times, they need to be internet savvy and appealing to the youths.

Sponsors will soon evaporate, because the interest in this event is less that 5% in the entire country, and maybe I am being generous.

But having digressed, back to the leading question, WHO WON?

At this time, nobody knows, because after the fiasco of 2005, the BOATING fraternity apparently decided there would be winners in respective classes, but no overall winners, because of the staggered starts.

What a load of rubbish , and a clear exercise in COWARDICE by the Association , in any competition, if it is indeed that and that not merely a parade of boats by friends , there must be winners and there must be losers.

It is rather perplexing, that after years of one overall winner, there is now a problem with declaring one.

Is it that because one boat was winning so many years in a row, that others decided to stop this dominance? Why not try to ensure more competitive boats are involved?
Maybe, the lost of public interest and trust in boat racing and this event, is because the date has changed from its originality, or that in its current format and with poor marketing, it is considered an event for a bunch of rich people?

Let us hope this can be corrected sooner, rather than later, there is now new management at the Powerboats Association, and hopefully, new ideas will brought to the forefront of the sport.

This is Andre Errol Baptiste, saying – Have no Fear, the Fearless One is here -


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